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How to start Branding your business

How to start Branding your business

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As a solopreneur, the idea of branding feels scary. Like way too big. Reserved for the Apples and Cocos Cola of this world. I hear you. 

It’s how I used to feel too. And don’t get me wrong, I still get swallowed up in all the hype from time to time. But what I absolutely LOVE about small business branding is that it’s all about you. 

Your brand is an extension of you and your values. You don’t have a global market or shareholders to answer to (yet). Right now, your brand is about your ideas, passion and reason for being.

Wee truthbomb incoming 

Whether you know it or not, you already have a brand.

Your brand lives in the hearts and minds of others.

Your brand is not what you say it is. 

It’s how you’re perceived by the world at large. 

Every touch point a human has with your product, service, social media, employee etc adds up to form your brand in THEIR mind. 

I go as far as to say – your brand is a feeling.

Don’t stress though because you can be very deliberate in the actions you take to create your brand. 

You can influence the hearts and minds out there.

It’s our happy job as business owners to project our brand as we see it and to ensure every touch point is consistent – ON BRAND if you like.

Ultimately you can’t brain wash people, but there are things you can do to create your brand as you see it.

How Jen? Tell

Well, by deep diving your business and getting crystal clear on your fundamentals. And then? Then you gotta consistently communicate them to the world at large using a Brand Strategy.

But but but, let’s start at the very beginning because, it’s a very good place to start. Haha (Sound of Music anyone?)

Brand Fundamentals

Grab a pen and blank page and get ready to talk about your business.

It’s super important to get clear on who you are and what you stand for before you even think about marketing. 

So, first – write down each of the 8 headings below with enough space for all your ideas beneath. Then start answering the questions. Jump around if you need to as thoughts come to you, find the right heading and capture them. 

Don’t worry about making it picture perfect. At this stage, you just want to bring all your brand fundamentals together in one place. 

Dream clients / Target Market 

  • who are they and how do they like to be spoken to?
  • where do they hang out online and offline?
  • what keeps them up at night?


  • What do you stand for?
  • What’s your ultimate goal? Think 10+ years.
  • What’s your message? 


  • How do you run your business? 
  • What’s important to you?
  • What’s non-negotiable?


  • What’s different about what you do compared to your competitors?
  • How do you deliver your products/service
  • Who are your clients and what’s the transformation you offer?

Market Positioning

  • Are you high end and expensive? Or affordable and basic for those starting out?
  • Review your market – look at your competitors – what do they offer? What’s their point of difference
  • And define YOUR point of difference

Brand Voice

  • Think about who your ideal clients are and how they like to be spoken to
  • Check out reviews and testimonials to see what language your clients use
  • What are your values? What’s your personality? If you were a cocktail, you’d be a …

Brand Story

  • Why did you start your business?
  • What was the a-ha moment?
  • Why do you do what you do? (tap into your Vision)


  • How do you want your clients to feel after buying from you?
  • What will they say about you to their friends?  (best service, happiest staff, quickest delivery)
  • What emotion do you want to put more of into the world? (kindness, consideration for the climate, sheer joy, educating the world’s children)

Your answers will determine how you show up in the world – how you market your business from your logo, colours and fonts through to your business name, tagline and your branding photos. It defines how you work with your clients and how you treat your employees. 

When you get clear on your fundamentals this creates consistency which means your ideal clients can build a relationship with you. Your dream clients come to know you and what to expect from you. This consistency breeds trust and connection which lead to conversions and brand loyalty. 

And when you come to work with a copywriter, graphic designer and branding photographer, you know exactly who you are as a business and a brand. You know what to ask for. You understand your clients, the market and how you want to be perceived. Winning.

Over the years I’ve learned business owners are so close to their values, mission, vision and story to unpack it effectively. We’re ‘in it’ every waking hour. Living and breathing our values, acutely unaware of our brilliance. 

And that’s where I can help.

I hold space for you to deconstruct and to define your secret sauce.

Time to capture the essence of your brand?

Book a 1:1 session here. (insert link to Brand Basics)

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How to start Branding your business

As a solopreneur, the idea of branding feels scary. Like way too big. Reserved for the Apples and Cocos Cola of this world. I hear you. 

It’s how I used to feel too. And don’t get me wrong, I still get swallowed up in all the hype from time to time. But what I absolutely LOVE about small business branding is that it’s all about you. 

Your brand is an extension of you and your values. You don’t have a global market or shareholders to answer to (yet). Right now, your brand is about your ideas, passion and reason for being.

Wee truthbomb incoming 

Whether you know it or not, you already have a brand.

Your brand lives in the hearts and minds of others.

Your brand is not what you say it is. 

It’s how you’re perceived by the world at large. 

Every touch point a human has with your product, service, social media, employee etc adds up to form your brand in THEIR mind. 

I go as far as to say – your brand is a feeling.

Don’t stress though because you can be very deliberate in the actions you take to create your brand. 

You can influence the hearts and minds out there.

It’s our happy job as business owners to project our brand as we see it and to ensure every touch point is consistent – ON BRAND if you like.

Ultimately you can’t brain wash people, but there are things you can do to create your brand as you see it.

How Jen? Tell

Well, by deep diving your business and getting crystal clear on your fundamentals. And then? Then you gotta consistently communicate them to the world at large using a Brand Strategy.

But but but, let’s start at the very beginning because, it’s a very good place to start. Haha (Sound of Music anyone?)

Brand Fundamentals

Grab a pen and blank page and get ready to talk about your business.

It’s super important to get clear on who you are and what you stand for before you even think about marketing. 

So, first – write down each of the 8 headings below with enough space for all your ideas beneath. Then start answering the questions. Jump around if you need to as thoughts come to you, find the right heading and capture them. 

Don’t worry about making it picture perfect. At this stage, you just want to bring all your brand fundamentals together in one place. 

Dream clients / Target Market 

  • who are they and how do they like to be spoken to?
  • where do they hang out online and offline?
  • what keeps them up at night?


  • What do you stand for?
  • What’s your ultimate goal? Think 10+ years.
  • What’s your message? 


  • How do you run your business? 
  • What’s important to you?
  • What’s non-negotiable?


  • What’s different about what you do compared to your competitors?
  • How do you deliver your products/service
  • Who are your clients and what’s the transformation you offer?

Market Positioning

  • Are you high end and expensive? Or affordable and basic for those starting out?
  • Review your market – look at your competitors – what do they offer? What’s their point of difference
  • And define YOUR point of difference

Brand Voice

  • Think about who your ideal clients are and how they like to be spoken to
  • Check out reviews and testimonials to see what language your clients use
  • What are your values? What’s your personality? If you were a cocktail, you’d be a …

Brand Story

  • Why did you start your business?
  • What was the a-ha moment?
  • Why do you do what you do? (tap into your Vision)


  • How do you want your clients to feel after buying from you?
  • What will they say about you to their friends?  (best service, happiest staff, quickest delivery)
  • What emotion do you want to put more of into the world? (kindness, consideration for the climate, sheer joy, educating the world’s children)

Your answers will determine how you show up in the world – how you market your business from your logo, colours and fonts through to your business name, tagline and your branding photos. It defines how you work with your clients and how you treat your employees. 

When you get clear on your fundamentals this creates consistency which means your ideal clients can build a relationship with you. Your dream clients come to know you and what to expect from you. This consistency breeds trust and connection which lead to conversions and brand loyalty. 

And when you come to work with a copywriter, graphic designer and branding photographer, you know exactly who you are as a business and a brand. You know what to ask for. You understand your clients, the market and how you want to be perceived. Winning.

Over the years I’ve learned business owners are so close to their values, mission, vision and story to unpack it effectively. We’re ‘in it’ every waking hour. Living and breathing our values, acutely unaware of our brilliance. 

And that’s where I can help.

I hold space for you to deconstruct and to define your secret sauce.

Time to capture the essence of your brand?

Book a 1:1 session here. (insert link to Brand Basics)

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