What’s the personality of your brand?
Apple 🍎 – inspirational, innovative
Innocent 🥛- cheeky, fun
Ikea 🏠 – functional, fun, creative
❤️Love ‘em or hate ‘em 🔪
We know exactly what we’re going to get when we deal with these brands.
🔥And that’s simply down to personality. 🔥
We’re drawn to brands because of their personality.
The emotional connection is made. Rational thinking doesn’t get a look it.
When we’re drawn to a brand by its personality we’re all in. We’re ready. We’re poised to hit the Buy NOW button. We need a bit of that brand in our life right now.
I’m like that when it comes to Apple and Gin. Note – not Apple Gin although I would be open to sample that.
The new iphone is out and I want it. I don’t need it. I just got the iphone XS Max last year. But, I want the new one. Completely irrational yes I know. I just want it. I want the newest iphone, full stop.
When it comes to gin, the spirit itself has experienced a resurgence over the last few years. I’ve bought into it. I’m a fan. I’m all in.
When I hear about a new boutique gin – I have to try it. I’m ALL about the “ginaissance.” Friends post about them on social media and I HAVE to buy it. I seek them out. Not cheap either, these gins cost upwards of $100 a bottle. That’s power of the brand personality.
Take a moment to consider your brands personality
It’s actually easier than you think to identify. You are your brand. You’re the reason it’s here.
It’s a product of your thought processes; it’s the result of the cogs turning in your brain.
It’s got an identity that’s tied to you. It’s the fruits of your labour. It’s the result of all your inputs, lifestyle, relationships, qualifications, opinions and experiences.
It’s what makes your business different. And hey, it’s quite possibly also your USP. It’s the heartbeat in your business.
Consider these personalities
- Informal 🤟🏻
- Sassy😝💥
- Inspirational👩🎓
- Conversational😊
- Humorous🤣
- Adventurous🏂
- Expert👁
Whatever your brand personality may be, does it shine through on your website?
On your social media?
Is it clear from your About page?
Because it absolutely should be.
Please don’t ignore it.
Don’t try to water it down.
And whatever you do, don’t try to hide your light under a bushel because, quite frankly, amongst other things that’s just dangerous.
Be humongously proud of it. It’s wonderful, real and unique. And of course it’s reassuringly authentic because there is only one you.
Let your brand personality pop online.
“If you built it, they will come.”
Watch and see.
I promise.