Copywriter Perth
I'm Jen!
I write exciting copy.
Copy which makes people want to buyengageconnect
I'm here to help you make your business irresistible!

I help you write copy so it sounds like you’re talking.
Let’s talk to your customers using their language.
I write website copy and blogs for businesses with personality.
And what does personality generate?
..connection, trust, leads, sales, referrals
Inject life into your brand by writing exciting, relatable ‘copy’ that pulls on the heart strings of your customers.
Commission me to create your content here. I’ll tell the story of your brand and I’ll give your audience a valuable experience that will keep them engaged and returning for more.
For all things Perth copywriting, I’d be delighted to help.
My copy gets you closer to your customers
Create a connection
Elevate your brand
Build relationships
Website Content
Want website content that’s
- attention grabbing
- less yawnsome
- opposite of boring
Your website should tell a story. Straight off the bat it should state who you are and what you do. Boom.
AND it should ooze personality.
Because then your target audience will fall in love with your brand so much so they NEEEEEEEED you in their life.
I write website copy that makes your business irresistible.
I hit your audience right in the feels!
Branded Copy
That’s things like blogs, social media, LinkedIn articles marketing brochures and adverts.
I’ll help you find language that speaks to your ideal client – and makes them want you.
We’ll develop your brand’s tone of voice and create content that keeps you front and centre of mind. The Google gods love it…if it’s good.
By good I mean relevant, valuable and goddam entertaining.
I write targeted, exciting and relatable copy.
Leave me, my MacBook and my large long mac to it and I’ll craft authentic branded copy for you.
Copy ‘Heart to Heart’
Need a hand to get started writing?
Want to know how to blog?
Or discover your Brand Personality?
Buy me – well, my time anyway.

Why Jen?
Publishing and Broadcasting background
For over 15 years I’ve been finding angles and capturing the attention of consumers, businesses and well, YOU actually. From newspapers and magazines to radio, tv and digital messaging – it’s all about harnessing the power of words.
Just me – you get all my focus. No outsourcing. Never. I promise.
You’re everything to me 🙂 And once I’m in, I’m all in.
Copywriting is in my DNA
Ok, so near enough – I was born brandishing a pen and paper
And I’ve been fascinated by words ever since.
Poems, songs, plays, letters – even to the late Princess Diana of Wales.
(And guess what – she wrote back.
I know. Signed Lady Diana Spencer – I’ll tell you the story one day)
Forever learning and honing my craft with these copy superstars
- Clever Copywriting School
- Wordfetti
- University of Melbourne Citizenship Journalism

Here’s how I can help

1 hour
Copy Clarity
Copywriting gems you can apply to your marketing immediately
Personalised copy gems for your business

90 mins
Your Brand Basics
Strong foundations.
Get clear on your who what why where and how

90 mins
Find your Brand Voice
Master your voice
Stand out

12 weeks
Sell snow to eskimos copy course
Teach a girl to fish copy course
Access to copywriting treasures
You’ll be an expert at writing for your biz

Workshops & Events
Connect with like minded females in business at my high vibe, relaxed, feel good events.
Learn simple steps to elevate your brand.
Write my copy Jen
What it’s like to work with me
You’ll know where you stand
I’ll ask you lots of questions (about your business)
It’ll be f u n because I love what I do and I want you to enjoy the experience
I break the rules sometimes (just word rules, not the actual Laws)
3 reasons you know you need MEEEEEEEE
You can write in the traditional sense like essays at school, letters etc but when you write your Home Page, newsletters or a blog it just seems, well… boring, too straight, not quite right.
You’ve NO idea where to start, or finish for that matter. Ideas ideas everywhere and not a blog to show for it.
Let’s talk. I’ll help you fight through the noise and finally get your copy motor running. From before you ever put paw to keyboard, you gotta do your research. Then a plan…and so on. When you know, you know.
Time is not your friend.
You simply ain’t got the minutes. You’re in business to work in the business not ON the business. I get it. Delegate that sh*t to me.
Play to your strengths, everytime.
No drama
Sound familiar?
“I’m gonna write my About page today.”
…Today turns into next Tuesday…and so on.
Clients I've worked with