An hour of power – just me and you baby. Or what I like to call a 60 min copy party

 I totally get it – when it comes to writing for your business

You either 

  • know what you want to say but no idea how OR 
  • have no idea what to say OR
  • You’ve scratched out some words and you need a second set of eyes to give to work through it and give you the confidence to POST it (for once and for all)

You’re stuck and it’s frustrating.

You want to launch your website, plan your content or write a blog

But – you keep coming back to the same roadblock – your copy – the words on the page

The curser is blinking at you….mocking you 

And the page remains blank

Do you say ?

“I’ll do it tomorrow”…. then tomorrow never happens

Are you worried you sound pompous?

 (hello vulnerable business owner)

It’s ok 

Writing about ourselves is weird

Even professionals and successful CEO’s have a hard time writing about themselves

Heck – even I feel weird writing about myself.

It’s human nature

So let’s thrash it out

Session includes

  • 60 minutes 
  • One to One
  • All about your brand, business and copy worries
  • Bring your copy
  • Bring your worries
  • No judgement
  • Here to make it easy for you to write

“The only mistake you can make is not asking for help” 

Sandeep Jauhar

Leave our 1:1
session with

  • clarity
  • confidence
  • words that work


Personalised copywriting gems you can begin applying to your marketing immediately 

“I’ll meet you where you’re at on your copy journey”

Personalised copywriting gems you can begin applying to your marketing immediately 

 I got ya

“I’ll meet you where you’re at on your copy journey”

Copy Clarity Session

Client Love