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4 easy wins for your website content

4 easy wins for your website content


Tick off these quick tasks NOW and your website will be as brilliant as your business

Ok so some of you may have a bit more time than normal at the mo. to work on your business. All those wee tasks you keep meaning to do but never quite prioritise. Yes, you with me?

Well, easy victories are always great for motivation.

I find if I do a fairly quick, simple thing then it fires me up to tackle more involved tasks. It’s like the action of putting the Tick on the To Do list pushes me on to get even more ticks.

So, here are 4 super simple, quick things you can do now to refresh your website content.

This is like giving your website content a hose down – an express spring clean. Take a big cloth, wipe it down and watch as a shiny, more google-friendly website appears before you.

I promise.

Make sure your Mission statement is on your Home Page. This tells the visitor everything about your business in one go. Your product, your values, your culture, your why and your how. Simply add it to your Home Page as ‘Our Mission’ or ‘Our Why’ or ‘This is Us’. Sometimes this called a Value Proposition too. Whatever you want to call it, pop it in your Headline and on your About Us page. It sets the scene. Prospective customers then know in broad terms what they’re going to get from you and how. Don’t have a Mission Statement?
Here’s a few examples for inspo

Domino’s Pizza Mission Statement: To be the leader in delivering off-premise pizza convenience to consumers around the world

Alzheimer’s Association: A world without Alzheimer’s disease

Facebook: Connect with friends and the world around you on Facebook.

Review your Call to Action buttons or text. Is it bold enough? Urgent enough? Clear enough? You have to be really obvious. Absolutely no subtlety allowed with the Call to Action. Make it very clear what you expect your wonderful potential customer to do. Don’t make them guess. Don’t make it hard for them. Don’t give them hoops to jump through. Spoon feed them. Baby them. Cherish them. Lay it out for them. Give them a simple instruction.
Awesome examples of Call to Action buttons

  • Sign up
  • Try for free
  • Tell me more
  • Yes I want to buy
  • Make an appointment
  • Get started
  • Learn more

And, experiment with different Call to Action text on each page too. Have a bit of fun with it. Just remember the golden rule is ‘Keep it simple.’

3 Testimonials. Testimonials, Testimonials. Yes, they’re so amazingly effective and essential I’ve said it three times. I’ll say it again Testimonials. Get them on your Home Page. In fact, scatter them throughout your website. They represent social proof of how fantastic your product or service is. They’re independent proof. People love it. People want it. People will relate to other people just like them saying how your product helped them.

Keep them to a sentence or two, place them in bold on your Home Page – boom. Magic. Those few lines of text will do more to convince a potential client to become a paying customer than even the best list of your products credentials ever could.

And, for example, if you’re promoting a training course on your website then add a relevant testimonial to that page too. Bold the text, type it in a larger font with a different colour, box it up and make it stand out. As humans, we need that emotional reason to buy – reading about real experiences gives us that. It’s the tipping point.

If you’re struggling to get testimonials I can share the Three Question Framework. Just let me know and I’ll send it to you. It’s a great way to get authentic client testimonials. And your clients will be stoked to do it too. Honestly, it makes it so easy for them to provide you with a testimonial that they’ll jump at the chance.

4 And finally, make sure the people in your business feature on your website. Even if it’s just you and one other person. Doesn’t matter, in fact depending on your business this may be exactly the ideal. For others, a cast of thousands may be behind the scenes. Whatever the number, know that people do business with people. They love to see who’s behind this product or service. They also want to know if things go a bit ‘Pete Tong’ that they’ll have someone to reach out to. A bit of reassurance if you like.

And if you’d like another wee tip – create a separate page for each person – an image then a click through to their personal bio. Google prefers it apparently.

Right – what are you waiting for? Go do. These 4 tips are simple. They won’t take you long either.

Let me know how you go.

Happy Iso Easter



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4 easy wins for your website content

Tick off these quick tasks NOW and your website will be as brilliant as your business

Ok so some of you may have a bit more time than normal at the mo. to work on your business. All those wee tasks you keep meaning to do but never quite prioritise. Yes, you with me?

Well, easy victories are always great for motivation.

I find if I do a fairly quick, simple thing then it fires me up to tackle more involved tasks. It’s like the action of putting the Tick on the To Do list pushes me on to get even more ticks.

So, here are 4 super simple, quick things you can do now to refresh your website content.

This is like giving your website content a hose down – an express spring clean. Take a big cloth, wipe it down and watch as a shiny, more google-friendly website appears before you.

I promise.

Make sure your Mission statement is on your Home Page. This tells the visitor everything about your business in one go. Your product, your values, your culture, your why and your how. Simply add it to your Home Page as ‘Our Mission’ or ‘Our Why’ or ‘This is Us’. Sometimes this called a Value Proposition too. Whatever you want to call it, pop it in your Headline and on your About Us page. It sets the scene. Prospective customers then know in broad terms what they’re going to get from you and how. Don’t have a Mission Statement?
Here’s a few examples for inspo

Domino’s Pizza Mission Statement: To be the leader in delivering off-premise pizza convenience to consumers around the world

Alzheimer’s Association: A world without Alzheimer’s disease

Facebook: Connect with friends and the world around you on Facebook.

Review your Call to Action buttons or text. Is it bold enough? Urgent enough? Clear enough? You have to be really obvious. Absolutely no subtlety allowed with the Call to Action. Make it very clear what you expect your wonderful potential customer to do. Don’t make them guess. Don’t make it hard for them. Don’t give them hoops to jump through. Spoon feed them. Baby them. Cherish them. Lay it out for them. Give them a simple instruction.
Awesome examples of Call to Action buttons

  • Sign up
  • Try for free
  • Tell me more
  • Yes I want to buy
  • Make an appointment
  • Get started
  • Learn more

And, experiment with different Call to Action text on each page too. Have a bit of fun with it. Just remember the golden rule is ‘Keep it simple.’

3 Testimonials. Testimonials, Testimonials. Yes, they’re so amazingly effective and essential I’ve said it three times. I’ll say it again Testimonials. Get them on your Home Page. In fact, scatter them throughout your website. They represent social proof of how fantastic your product or service is. They’re independent proof. People love it. People want it. People will relate to other people just like them saying how your product helped them.

Keep them to a sentence or two, place them in bold on your Home Page – boom. Magic. Those few lines of text will do more to convince a potential client to become a paying customer than even the best list of your products credentials ever could.

And, for example, if you’re promoting a training course on your website then add a relevant testimonial to that page too. Bold the text, type it in a larger font with a different colour, box it up and make it stand out. As humans, we need that emotional reason to buy – reading about real experiences gives us that. It’s the tipping point.

If you’re struggling to get testimonials I can share the Three Question Framework. Just let me know and I’ll send it to you. It’s a great way to get authentic client testimonials. And your clients will be stoked to do it too. Honestly, it makes it so easy for them to provide you with a testimonial that they’ll jump at the chance.

4 And finally, make sure the people in your business feature on your website. Even if it’s just you and one other person. Doesn’t matter, in fact depending on your business this may be exactly the ideal. For others, a cast of thousands may be behind the scenes. Whatever the number, know that people do business with people. They love to see who’s behind this product or service. They also want to know if things go a bit ‘Pete Tong’ that they’ll have someone to reach out to. A bit of reassurance if you like.

And if you’d like another wee tip – create a separate page for each person – an image then a click through to their personal bio. Google prefers it apparently.

Right – what are you waiting for? Go do. These 4 tips are simple. They won’t take you long either.

Let me know how you go.

Happy Iso Easter



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