Identify your USP in 4 fun steps

Do you know what your “USP” is? In fact, let’s rewind a step, do know what a USP is? Well, very simply it’s your Unique Selling Proposition/Point. It’s what makes your business different to every other business out there in the same market. For example, if you sell widgets just like Business Z in the same street […]

12 words never to use in copy

????Tip of the day???? Warning; opinion piece coming up. Having worked with words and created many pages of copy I do confess I have my favourites – words that is. However, I also believe there are some words you should avoid where possible. The fact that I avoid these words doesn’t mean I’ll never ever […]

How to start Branding your business

As a solopreneur, the idea of branding feels scary. Like way too big. Reserved for the Apples and Cocos Cola of this world. I hear you.  It’s how I used to feel too. And don’t get me wrong, I still get swallowed up in all the hype from time to time. But what I absolutely […]